
hello, it took me soooo long to update this blog. sorry guys 🙆

And soooo...

What is podcast?

Podcast is an audio that you can download it to your computer or gadget for you to listen without looking at the person (pffttt) , what I'm trying to say is podcast is good for you when you loves to multitask - listen while cooking,reading, driving and etc. There are a lot of genre of podcast that you can download.

Genre of podcast;

- Educational podcasts
- advice podcasts
- horror podcasts
- history podcasts
- comedy podcasts

and there are a looooooottttttt of genre that you can pick too!

but , how does it related to the language learning? how can we use it?

1. we can listen to existing podcast that we can download it. 


2. we can create our own podcasts and upload it.

what do we need for podcasting? 

1. an audio or recording tools.
2. online voice recorder.
3. you can also use your smartphone.

then , you upload it to the podcast medium such as ;

1. Youtube
2. itunes
3. soundcloud
4. blog

this is the example of podcasting. excuse my odd voice 😂
